SalonSafe®: For immediate Release
Some simple changes and a salon safe system can help minimize the transmission of airborne virus
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has suggestions on reducing the infection rate of COVID-19 based on droplet transmission, but it is probable that airborne transmission is part of the problem and can be reduced by making some changes to your salon’s heating/AC and ventilation (HVAC) system.
COVID-19 is transmitted via large droplets that mostly travel a short distance when someone coughs or exhales. For that reason the CDC has established rules for social distancing (6 feet min) to minimize the chances of this type of transmission. In studies of similar illnesses, large droplets can become smaller through evaporation and become airborne in drier air.
Ventilation experts reference technical standards (known as ASHRAE standards) for guidance on the design and operation of mechanical & ventilation systems. ASHRAE recently updated their text on airborne infectious diseases which offers help on HVAC measures to minimize transmission of disease. If you are an engineer, it is worth reading this document carefully. The summary here is an informal attempt to simplify the ASHRAE updates.
What can be done to reduce transmission in your salon:
Use SalonSafe's patented ventilation which provides source capture system AND provides more fresh air.
Use a MERV-13 filter in your HVAC unit or, if possible a MERV-15, which can trap 85% of particles that are 0.3 to 1.0 micron in size.
Filtration combined with UV lights can inactivate and capture virus particles that are under .3 microns.
Keep humidity levels between 40% and 60% to reduce lifespan of virus on surfaces. Adding humidity to any space must be done carefully to avoid the possibility of mold, of course.